LIVEKINDLY Collective was founded on the belief that plant-based alternatives have the power to make the global food system sustainable. Its mission is to make plant-based living the new norm. With our delicious food brands and over 75 years of combined knowledge and experience, we pledge to help you on your journey towards a plant-based diet, one meal at a time.

By eating the world better, one meal at a time, we can change the world.

Tammy Fry

Global Brand Lead of The Fry Family Food Co.

When I think back on my life and all the significant moments that brought me to today, I can see how many reasons brought me to the point of transitioning to plant-based. It all started when, as a young girl, I did not want to eat animals because I felt such a connection with them. I believed that an animal was an animal, whether it was a chicken, a dog, a pig, a cow or a llama. And I was not going to eat any of them. Then, when I started training hard for competitions, my reasons were more focused on health and athletic performance. Now, as a mother, my motivation is more extrinsic – caring deeply for the planet and the oceans and the hope that I can leave a better planet for my children.

Our very own Tammy Fry has written a plant-based cookbook and lifestyle guide called Made with Love & Plants.

Get your copy

Made with Love & Plants is packed with 75 plant-based, whole food recipes and loads of easy to follow information for people wanting to embrace more of a plant-based lifestyle. From breakfasts, lunches and dinners to batch cooking, barbeques, and food on the go – the book covers the full spectrum of food options and recipes. Looking for an ideal plant-based pantry list, or a shopping guide? What about how to be plant-based on a budget, or how to feed your kids nutritious snacks? Made with Love & Plants has everything you need.

The calcium rich bowl

This plant-powered smoothie packs a punch in the calcium department. If you are a parent of boys, you may want to double the dose of figs and tahini, just to be sure.

Serves: 1
Prep time: 5 minutes
Level of Difficulty: 1/5

Try this recipe

Vietnamese rice paper rolls with hoisin-peanut dipping sauce

Summery, light, fresh and tasty, these rolls pack a flavourful punch. They’re perfect for picnics on the beach or birthday parties.

Serves: 4
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 3-5 minutes
Level of Difficulty: 4/5

Try this recipe

7 Tips on how to go
plant based by Tammy Fry

Don’t go cold turkey

Changing life-long habits and altering your mind-set can take time. While some may be able to switch to a wholly plant-based diet overnight, for others it’s the start of a journey – just keep your end destination in mind. Try cutting out different food types one by one, or make a promise to yourself to have one vegan day a week, then two, then three, until you figure out what works best for you. This is why we started Meat Free Mondays – as just one day of not eating animal products makes a huge difference to the planet and is a great way to ease yourself and your family into a more plant-based diet.

Go, experiment!

Eating plant-based doesn’t only mean salads and uninspiring bowls of vegetables. Opting for a plant-based diet does not mean you need to sacrifice the things you loved before. From burgers and sausages, ice cream and pies – there are some brilliant alternatives on the market that will make you wonder why you ever ate meat in the first place.

Plan ahead

The key to really enjoying a plant-based lifestyle is to plan your meals ahead of time. Not only will you need to factor in extra time at the supermarket for reading all the labels, but you’ll want to ensure every meal is delicious so you’re not panic buying frozen chips on the road. We know however, that real-life sometimes gets in the way, which is why convenient, tasty grab-and-go plant-based products are an important addition to your shopping list. They are essential for busy lifestyles.

Join the conversation

There is a huge vegan and vegetarian community online offering support, tips and recipe ideas, so you’re never too far away from like-minded individuals sharing their plant-based experiences.

Eat nutritious foods

Veganism doesn’t always equal healthy, so it’s important to make sure you’re eating a varied diet to incorporate all the vitamins and nutrients you need to thrive. There is plenty of advice online about which foods provide the best sources of energy.

Remember why you decided to go plant-based

It’s likely you’ve found going plant-based much easier than you expected, however there may come a time, whether it’s a week, a month, or a year into your new lifestyle where you could hit a wall. If this happens, just remind yourself why you made the decision in the first place and the benefits you’ve felt since making the choice. Watching informative videos about veganism, connecting with plant-based influencers or finding your nearest animal sanctuary are all ways to remind yourself why you chose this path in the first place. Starting your journey as part of a new year’s resolution is also a powerful tool. Follow our New Resolution for a Food Revolution with the hashtag #NR4FR for inspiration.

Get creative

Veg-based meals can be exciting, delicious and full of flavour, so take this opportunity to try new foods and experiment with ingredients. There are thousands of recipes online with inspiration and ideas to help you cook amazing new dishes and interesting variations of your old favourites.

Our brands do more than fill your belly

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The No Meat CompanyThe No Meat Company
Fry’s Family Food Co.Fry’s Family Food Co.
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The No Meat CompanyThe No Meat Company